TSBR TransLantau 2020

Dear All Hikers and Supporters

TSBR 2020 TransLantau

1 Start/ Finish
Changed to Green Post Box at Mui Wo Ferry
2 CP at Ngong Ping
Changed to 龍輝山水豆腐花
3 CP at Tai O
Changed to Tai O Promenade
4 Top of 360
Keep on path ( don’t turn left) and go straight to 龍輝山水豆腐花
5 Mui Wo Start
Friday 28 February 2020
A 10 to 11pm Check ins, Final Registrations, Pairings, Gear Checks, Socialising and Last Minute stock up of food/ water
B 11pm Final Briefing and Group Photos
C 1130pm Departure
6 Mui Wo Finish
Sunday 1 March 2020 830am Time limit 33 hours expires.
Please note actual time, take photos and advise either Support Chairman or Support CEO immediately of your Finish.

All must hike with at least one partner at all times. I shall pair you up as appropriate if you don’t have one yet. Anyone found hiking alone will be disqualified.

Photos of yourself must be taken at Start, all Checkpoints and Finish.

TransLantau mandatory gear is the minimum, which must be carried at all times.

Please install GPX on your watch/ phone. This will be part of gear check. If you have problems, consult others.

Anyone who feels unwell should not turn up. Please send a message.

Anyone who doesn’t feel well during the Trail should give up immediately at any point with access to Transport. Please send a message immediately.

Anyone who has any problem should contact either Support Chairman Mr Wan or CEO Sylvia.

All hikers must look after any other who are in need.

Please bring adequate batteries/ chargers and connect to 360 at all times from now till Official Finish ( which is time the last hiker Finishes and all hikers/ support are accounted for.

Official Finish will be announced by me.

Best wishes!
Monday 24 February 2020



東風2至3級。 部分時間有陽光。晚上沿岸有薄霧。
氣溫:20至26度。 相對濕度:百分之65至95。

微風2級。 部分時間有陽光。早晚沿岸有霧。
氣溫:21至28度。 相對濕度:百分之60至95。

TSBR TransLantau 2020 : Mui Wo

TSBR TransLantau 2020 : Tai O

TSBR TransLantau 2020 : Mui Wo (Finish 1.3.20)

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g29QK9tg8Ac[/embedyt]
